
By Jose Uli. on 26/01/2017

Within the sales environment it’s important to understand deeper about first impressions, as if there was a negative one, it could be permanently settled.

We all make a first impression when we meet someone for the first time, this process is strongly related to the first stages of our biological evolution. If you are a professional salesperson, keep reading as this may help you foster better relations with your clients.

First Impression Precision

In general we all are so good at making precise judgements, only when the person in front of us is not acting, of course. What we’re not so good at is to spot lies and pretensions.

We create a precise first impression in 1/10 of a second.

Some studies show that with just a simple image, we make right judgements in regards of extraversion, emotional stability, sincerity and even espirituality.

Get to practice.
Use all your resources to improve your best first impression to a prospect client, it is important to be coherent between your job position, your clothes, as well as to keep a positive and open attitude.

Rich Medium Theory.

The chosen communication channel is utterly important when interacting with prospects. Different channels are best suited for different objectives. Therefore, within the theory, we can see the classification on the premises of how to communicate a complex message. The following infographic shows the media richness from minor to greater richness:

media richness for sales persons

To negotiate with a client, the richer the medium is, the better, as this allow us to gather more information such as gestures. In addition, it will make it easier for us to build a trustable relationship with our client.

Get to practice.
Always try to use the richest media when connecting with customers, at least at the very beginning of your relationship.

First Impressions Online.

We should also take into account social media and how our image is perceived. There are studies that shows that when a person make a judgement on another based on their profile, it will mainly be based on the looks of the picture, when a person hasn’t got a particular intention when looking at that profile. However, when the judgement is intentional, then the person will evaluate the picture as well as the information writen on their profile.

The greatest impact is created when a person examines our online profile and our image is consisten and coherent with the information disclosed.

On a last note, people with an open personality who shows more about themselves, are much more liked than others with an introverted personality that do not show as much info.

Get to practice.

Use a profile picture closely related to the information on you social media, you can also create posts where you show your skills and knowledge, always in an entertaining manner.

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