
By Silvia Juarez on 01/12/2016

Have you tried a thousand things? You end up using limitless papers with notes everywhere?

After trying so many different methods for improving productivity, we decided to create our own system including all tasks priorities, unexpected y recurrent. In short, we created this free 2017 digital calendar to have the power to control our time instead of letting the time control us.

You can use this calendar with  excel and print each month separately.

digital calendar 2017 for google drive

Tip: We use the online version of this calendar with google spreadsheets, this way we can access instantly and make changes on the go. This is super productive.

If you need any further advice on how to use this free 2017 digital calendar, leave us a message!

Of course if you have a recomendation or a way we can improve it, we would love to hear from you.

Are you looking for a free printable calendar instead?

Get the free printable calendar for March 2017

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