
By Silvia Juarez on 24/02/2017

Update: you can get the April 2017 planner here

We are giving away our free printable calendar for March 2017.

For those who prefer to use pen and paper, we have created a free printable calendar that we use on a daily basis in our studio.

We created this design because it allow us to write the details as well as beign able to view at a glance the entire month, weeks and days.

free printable calendar march

You’ll get a pdf with 3 pages and our unique design that can be printed in your home colour printer, there you have it:

If you’ve downloaded this calendar, then we will keep you updated when we launch the next month calendar. This way your 2017 will be a very productive year!

Do you know the online version? We have also created a digital calendar with all the months of the year 2017 to be used with google drive, so that you can access from any device and collaborate with others. Haven’t you tried it? You can find it here.

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