
By Jose Uli. on 24/11/2016


Can you imagine to travel from Barcelona to Paris in 45 minutes? Hyperloop-One, is a great example of how a startup can make possible the impossible. They’re based in California and their project is going to be real very soon.

Hyperloop attended Web Summit to give us a talk about their project, basically it’s a high-speed transport using an electromagnetically levitated pod that will reach 1.200 km/h. All this sounds very posh and expensive, but good news! Hyperloop says that the price will be as little as a bus ticket.

No more words, let the video explain it all:

They say: “we’re not selling transportation, we’re selling time”, and that’s right, with this transport system you’ll have the chance to wake up in your city, have a meeting in a very distant city and be home with your family before sunset. This futuristic tube transport is already backed by leading investors planning to transport passengers by 2020, so yes, it’s real.

Interesting that Science Fiction did it again, Matt Groening in its Futurama animated series used a kind of Hyperloop tube transport for traveling from one point to another in the fictional city New New York. So their prediction was spot on.

The question is, could entrepreneurs take Science Fiction books or animated series more seriously to be inspired for their startups? As technology is so rapidly changing, maybe crazy ideas are not so crazy at all.

Finally, it’s important to note that Hyperloop is fixing at least a couple of things, they are bringing fast speed transport for everyone and carbon emissions will be reduced thanks to them. So, should the entrepreneurs think even more about how to build a better world through their startups?


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