
By Silvia Juarez on 01/12/2016

Productivity 01/12/2016

Free 2017 digital calendar for use with google drive

Have you tried a thousand things? You end up using limitless papers with notes everywhere? After trying so many different methods for improving productivity, we decided…
How a Startup can make possible

By Jose Uli. on 24/11/2016

Entrepreneurs 24/11/2016

How a Startup can make possible the impossible.

Can you imagine to travel from Barcelona to Paris in 45 minutes? Hyperloop-One, is a great example of how a startup can make possible the…
agenda semanal imprimible

By Silvia Juarez on 24/02/2016

Productivity 24/02/2016

Free Printable weekly agenda for appointments 2017

Con esta plantilla, podrás sacar el máximo partido a tu semana para que aproveches todas las horas. Organiza tus tareas o utilízalo como agenda para…

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